Sunday, November 1, 2009



NEW YORK- Meb Keflezighi, who in his victory for his country, wiping tears after his came back and became the first American man to win the New York City Marathon since 1982.

The 34-year-old Keflezighi was an Olympic silver medalist in 2004 which earned his first major marathon title Sunday. He was born in the African nation of Eritrea, growing up in a hut with no electricity where soldiers would surround his village, looking for boys of 12 and older to drag off to war. 

In 1998, he became a U.S. citizen when his family moved to the United States.

Keflezighi's historic victory twist the story of a family who fled war to thrive in a new home.

"It can't get any better," Keflezighi said.

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