It is my usual practice to visit or drop by the church after office hours even in a very short moment just to say thank you and to pray to our Lord Almighty. After praying, I kept myself relax and remain sitting in the bench for awhile before leaving.
Yesterday afternoon after my office work while I was sitting in a bench inside the church, I saw a woman in her late 60's or early 70's of healthy and calm personality walked along with her son in early 30's whose right arm was crossed in her left arm while entering the church and on the right arm of the woman was a lady bag tacked in her armpit. They went straight forward ahead of the three benches in the same row where I was sitting.
While watching them, I could say that how lucky she was for having such healthy personality at her age with a very compassionate son. I could see the serenity on her face and her eyes. I could describe her look a fortunate one but not totally happy.
I began pondering things about me and my son and silently asked myself. What about me? Where would I be at her age or in my octogenarian? Will my son be still there with me and likewise compassionate? Where and to whom shall I grow old? Seems I could see myself totally depress and very much alone that nobody is around me. Seems I could hardly breathe but has nothing to do except to exhale deeply and say, am I afraid of tomorrow? Is fear within my heart? All of these things have been a question to my mind.
Since there was no mass yet because the mass will start at 5:30 in the afternoon, the church in its 3:00 o'clock afternoon solemnity and serenity where you could see everybody silently praying, was totally awaken and disrupted with a loud yelling voice.
Everybody was alighted from their seats, look around to see who was yelling and screaming.
I was just surprised to see that the loud-yelling voice was the voice of the woman whom I saw and appreciated moments ago walking along with her son.
The woman was already standing from her seat yelling angrily towards his son saying: "Where is my money? Where is my money? I'm certain that I placed it here" showing and opening the bag to her son and immediately slapped him.
The son has nothing to do but to yell back to his mother and said: "I don't get your money! I don't get your money!" They were already both standing and yelling to each other tending the Assistants of the church and the people to come over and pacify them.
Since, they are both yelling and could not be pacified and solemnity of the church was totally disrupted by their annoyance, they were brought outside and were instructed to go home.
I do not know what happened to them and what transpired next after that commotion but to my pondering thoughts, I was steadily fastened from my seat and have been silent in a while.
Seems I am worried to myself. Is the incident a consequence of senile dementia? What about me? What do you think?
There is a possibility, considering that she is already old. But what I am concerned of is her personality. Shouting inside the church is a big disrespect to our religion. She must have considered the fact the she was inside the church. Why couldnt she whisper to his son about the problem?
But anyway, we have different personalities and we dont know what she felt at that moment.
Yes, exactly, I was really surprised. Why she could not just whisper to her son instead of yelling without due respect being inside the church. That's why I was again pondering, is she mentally distorted or a victim of Alzheimer's disease also called senile dementia? It's really hard to believe that such personality would yell inside the church.
The saying: Don't judge a book in its own cover is definitely true.
Bestre, thank you so much in visiting and posting a comment in my blog. I do appreciate it and it helps a lot to my writing career.
I would like also to say thank you and very much happy, too, upon receipt of the Sexy Blogger Award in my blog. I did not really expect it.
Thank you and MORE POWER!
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