Monday, April 12, 2010


Another Microsoft innovation is now on the go! Today, Microsoft announces its new innovation "Microsoft Kin". It is a new windows phone designed purportedly as a new version  of the next generation especially users that are active online.

The phone is being released in partnership with Verizon in the US, Vodaphone in Europe and Sharp Company, a Hardware manufacturer.

The phone has two designs in its two models, Kin One which is a rectangular format kin and  Kin  Two, a square format kin. The two designs have two slide out keyboards touchscreen displays and built-in cameras. With Microsoft Kin, users can easily socialize with anybody in any social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Microsoft Kin is perfectly crafted and is very easy to use.  Its unique applications separates itself from its competitors having its own Kin Studio where users can directly share online and host all information created on the phone. 
Microsoft Kin is a new phone version of the next generation where you will definitely enjoy using the product.

Try to find out the Kin images below how it being used.


Poetry said...

Looks like a great gadget.

The Author said...

Hi Poetry, thanks for dropping by, it is much appreciated. Yeah, its really a great gadget to own.

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