Sunday, February 22, 2009


Sounds crazy, but yeah, its true. Women has to spend millions or billions just to have that perfect beauty to become more lovable and famous. They are willing to pay the sum of sky-high to go for perfect forms and quick design of nips, tucks, toe tucks to armpit Botox especially the vagina. No limit of imagination to have that quick fix under the scalpel of plastic surgeons.

The latest figures from British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons reveal that Briton spends £1billion a year just for cosmetic surgery and in UK last year, Boob job operation reaches to 6,497 which is now very common. It showed a very staggering percentage increase in 2002 which is 2361.

Listed below are the most common procedure of aesthetic plastic operation for vaginal design which prompted its increase of operation in just 12 months.

1.) VAGINAL DESIGNS: Remodelling the labia to make the vagina appear more attractive and the Pelvic Floor Repair which is the vaginal tightening after childbirth. In the U.S. operation for hymen restoration is also available. This is also in demand for hymenoplasty recreational to make your love life more spicy during sexual intimacy.

2.) STILLETO SURGERY: When Christian Liboutin's 8 inches stilleto hit the catwalks last year, it turned to needles in search of a designer feet. Botox can be injected to plumb up the balls of the feet and reduced pain so that high heels can be worn longer. This kind of surgery known as "The Pillow on your Feet."

3.) ARMPIT BOTOX : The embarrassing sweat patches under the arms can now be injected with Botox preventing the sweat glands from sweating which will work between 6 to 12 months. If you have that sweaty hands, this also applies preventing the sweat glands to work. The cost of the surgery is £500.00

4.) EYELASH TRANSPLANT: Having that false eyelashes and sticky or thick mascara is one way of having that seductive eyelashes. Eyelash transplant are now popular in the U.S. which was originally created for cancer patients. 40 hairs from your head are implanted to the eyelid which are then trimmed and curled to make it attractive. The hair then actually grow into a longer, lusher lashes. Operation can be performed by local Anaesthetic that lasts for 2 to 3 hours. Swelling and bruising may leave to the patient for several days while the operation cost at least £2,500.00.

5.) BUTTOCK IMPLANTS: Women are keen to look that curvy hips like Hollywood star J Lo. In Latin America, gorgeous bottom is the most and is at all attractive stakes which is more popular than breast implants. The surgical route to a perfect rear involves the opening or slicing the buttocks to fit the silicone gel implants. The surgery cost more than £7,000.00.

These are only among the most common plastic surgery which increases daily. According to Plastic Surgeon, Mark Henley, Member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, "No surgery or procedure is 100 per cent risk free. Get the right timing. "Unless the circumstances are exceptional, avoid surgery if you are involved in major life events such as moving house, changing job, losing a loved one, break-up relationship or arrival of children." Make your own decision perfectly right for perfect appearance that concerns yourself. 

Always check your surgeon and if it is a Member of the Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.


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