Monday, May 19, 2008


This is a question to answer about love. Of course, all of us value most the essence of love. Love inspire us and made things impossible. When we are in love, we are happy and most certain about it. Because are happy of everything.

But how will you satisfactorily offer your love to a person whom you think is the right person for you? What will be the qualities that a person may possessed? Is she or he be a good-looking, hot, sexy, lovable and wonderful?

People of today is influenced by a modern world and men mostly prefer a woman of hot and sexy-appealing personality, vice versa. Character is being deprived with these qualities and is overthrown by sex.  Sex is extremely powerful than love. With these extremities, will you be still certain to offer your love under a bolt of sex?

However, people from the conservative society, especially  among women,  character is a big deal to them because these women highly regarded their emotion with due care, love and respect. Although beauty is a big plus but character is the most essential element  in the concept of love. And, men from this society, do highly respect and protect their women against abuse, violence and amoral behavior because women to them are precious gem that deserved to be kept in their whole being.


Anonymous said...

When I was in my highschool days, I chose good looking men. Why? Of course I am thinking of my future children. But it seemed that it went otherwise. When you love someone, you choose not about his physical attributes but the happiness that you feel deep within.

The Author said...

thanks for the comment my friend. have a great nice day!

admin said...

i think initially what gets a person's attention is the looks, the physical appearance. If the guy is handsome or the woman is beautiful it matters as it's what strikes you first.But not everything is about beauty. We will old grow old anyway. we will have wrinkles, gray hair. Beauty fades!

In the end, how we choose the person we love depends on the character of the person. Of course beauty is a big plus!

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