Saturday, May 17, 2008


Hi friends, good morning! How are you? Is the morning brought you a Knight shining armor or a Lovely Rose? Well, I do hope so. 

Friends, this is the first issue I would like to share concerning Love. Have you been in love? Since this is the most common question heard or asked by everybody not only to mature individuals but also to teenagers. The issue influenced me so much to share it with you. 

Okay, I may asked again, have you been in love? Yes, of course, I am! A big answer to hear. Yes, we are in love of so many things. It may be tangible or intangible things but  affection to someone is different when heart is now on the go.
I mean, when you're affectionately attached to someone emotionally, physically, mentally, financially and socially, you are already in love because you let these essential elements dwell over you. You may now believed that without which your love will not prosper even if times entangled you. Despite of this, it doesn't affect you. You are always there to stand. 

Situation like this usually addressed to women because women are easily affected emotionally while men are sometimes manipulated with a barren heart. 

Well... what ever the situation is, we are bound to love someone and cherish the one we love. 
Thanks for reading!

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