Thursday, August 18, 2022


Finland, August 18, 2022

Finland Prime Minister Sanna Marin, was having a party with friends in a private setting. 
In the videos who was taken and filmed in a private place, the 36-year-old Prime Minister was dancing and singing with friends and admitted that they are partying in a boisterous way but angry with the footage which prompted criticism from political opponents in her behavior of unbecoming a Prime Minister. 
"These videos are private and filmed in a private space. I resent that these became known to the public," Marin told reporters in Kuopio, Finland. 
"I spend a night with my friends. We just partied, also in a boisterous way. I danced and sang," she said. 
Mikko Karna, an opposition MP, tweeted that Marin should undergo a drug test. 
Supporters of Marin defended her and charged critics with double standard. 
Ashok Swain, Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Sweden's Uppsala University said, "Why can't she party after work? Do we expect leaders not to be human beings?"

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