Friday, September 5, 2008


I just raised a discussion in a discussion site if A.W. Surveys is a scam site. To my dismay, majority of the respondents confirmed that it is a scam earning site. These respondents did not just merely participate the discussion but they participated to impart their ill feelings from their bad experienced with A.W. Surveys. The respondents were not only members of the site in few months but in several months or even years. They joined the site not because of registration free but because of its earning mechanic which would let them participate in surveys likewise in referring friends believing that they will be compensated with their participation, trustingly also that A.W. Surveys is genuine and is committed to their members to pay what are due to them. However, after of those efforts exerted and have reached the minimum payout, they claimed payment of their earnings but to their dismay, the same money claims were disregarded and refused to payment for reasons only known to A.W. Surveys only to find out later that their membership have been banned, if not being deleted, they could no longer logged in to the site.

This is really a horrible information that would definitely affect the site standing which will suffice to prove that indeed, A.W. Surveys is only working for their own welfare and benefit without due regard to the people who have attributed to their success in earning profits and revenues.

Registered members who have just joined the site could not declare as of this moment a negative declaration about the site not until its membership lasted to months or even years that would necessary gather more proof and evidence against A.W. Surveys, if it is really a scam earning site. However, this information would be of help to those who are interested to join A.W.Surveys as a precaution.



Anonymous said...


Why havent you updated your blog? You should and maximize the same.

Anyway, I am not sure if A.W. Surveys is a scam or not. I was not able to join the same.

How are na verity?

The Author said...

Hello, Best... is this your comment? Am confused if its yours or by lady. Just read it now while visiting Love and Sex. Sorry of my delayed respond, am not always around. How are you? Yeah, I have to update this blog. Just don't have enough time. I visited your blogs and wowwwwwww... am so impressed. You've made it and its really great. I like your theme in dealing life. Am pretty sure another rank and revenues. How I wish I could likewise do the same. Well.. keep up the good works and thanks in posting a comment.

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