Friday, December 28, 2007


Who is Saint Nicholas? During Christmas Season we are happy to meet Saint Nicholas. We could see him anywhere. In our home, mall, street and even in a small crowded place or in a busy marketplace. Children are happy to see him and be with him. They'll find a lot of fun with him especially his smile and the gifts he gives to them.

In the real sense, we do not know him exactly who he is. We are just admiring him in honor of his name which has been a long Christmas tradition to those who believes in Christianity. Christians revered and glorifies his name. Other Christians even call upon his name for protection and churches were built in his honor.

History reveals that there's not much we really know about Nicholas. Only that he was one of the popular Saints in the Greek and Latin churches but history document failed to attest his existence. He was known as the bishop of Myra, near modern Finike, Turkey sometime in the 300's.

He was born to a wealthy family where his deceased parents inherited him a considerable sum of money but kept none of it. The famous story about his life was he threw bags of gold through the window of three girls who forced to live in prostitution. Others said that he resurrected before the three girls after these girls were beheaded by an innkeeper.

He performed some miracles during his childhood until he was chosen by the people of Myra to become their new bishop and continued preaching but it wasn't long before when Diocletian and Maximian persecuted Christians and imprisoned their bishops. He was imprisoned but was released when Constantine became an emperor.

He continued preaching in which to some it was a threat to them particularly Arianism. Other biographers claim that Nicholas attacked the heresy of Arius in a much more personal way, traveled the Council of Nicea and slapped the face of Arius which rude behavior made the other bishops in Nicea relieved him as a bishop.

Such legend of Nicholas became questionable but his story never ends even during the reign of Justinian. The emperor even dedicated a church to him in Constantinople and nearly 400 churches were dedicated in his honor in England alone during the Middle Ages.

In Germanic countries, it became hard to tell where the legend of Nicholas began. It probably tied by the gold-giving story thus, people began giving presents in his name on his feast day but when Reformation came along, all his following disappeared to Protestant countries except Holland, where his legends continued as Sinterklass. Over the years, that became re-pronounced as Kriss Kringle and is now considered another name of Santa Claus.

This is the story of Nicholas also known as Santa Claus!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Is human body real or personal property? A human body whether alive or dead is neither real nor personal property. 
Not even a property at all because it cannot be appropriated. It is indeed a thing or a being because it exists. In fact, it is a tangible or corporeal being or thing as distinguish from the human soul.
When a human being is alive, he cannot, be the object of a contract, for he is considered outside the commerce of man. He may of course, offer to another the use of various parts of his body, even the entire body itself in obligations requiring demonstration or posing in several ways, as when he poses for a painter or sculptor or donate or sell part of it, such as, blood, kidney, eyes, heart but not his body. 
Therefore, human body is a being or a thing!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Did you know that men in the western countries usually say that Asian women are beautiful while brunette are sexy. I do not know why they said so. To my own personal views, I considered all women to be beautiful although not all are sexy. Let's try to find out.

We are very much aware that western countries has been experiencing the decline of morality for a decade now. Values to them has been disregarded specially to their women. We could not say that they are not aware of this. Strong influence and excessive liberalism certainly affects morality that goes along with the  fast growing complexities in a modern world, thereby rapidly losing it.

When a person being appreciated as sexy, it speaks of person's appealing and interesting personality influencing an ardent desire to the opposite sex both sexually and physically. Sexy applies to both, men and women however, this issue is intended for women only.

The distinguishing trait of a woman as sexy is severally found among women from the western countries, being acclaimed as the most prevalent models in sex. Western women keep sex as a primary tool of existence. Without it, life to them seems worthless. Because of sex, there is a need to maintain a great sexy body as it becomes their first priority.

Men easily attracted looking a woman of great sexy body. Which is why men says brunette are sexy because of seductive personality.

On the other hand, when a woman being appreciated as beautiful, she has that aesthetic admiration from anybody. This is severally found to Asian women. Asian women is vested with intellect, emotion and respect.
Being beautiful, it stresses visual appeal that conform to the saying of western men: Asian women are beautiful and brunette are sexy.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Is singing one of your favorite hobby? If so, then what kind of music would you like to sing?

For me, yes, singing is one of my favorite hobby. During younger days to present, I have  always that desire of singing and I want  to become a singer.  Though I know my age no longer qualifies me but my mind won't stop from dreaming.

I considered myself a singer, probably a good one but not good to others. Nevertheless, what others may say, I really love singing.
I used to sing any kind of music, it may be jazz, classic, rock, pop or mellow provided it entertains me. I even sing where ever I am.  Even if I'm  in the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom or even outside my house, I sang when I have the desire to sing. I sang to the last pitch of my voice that even my neighborhood would sometimes yelled at me. 

You know, am worried! My effort in singing, never works and nobody listens. I just don't know.  They don't even bother to peep their windows to see who is this mad lady singing outside.

How sad. What do you think?  Am I a good singer or not? Or my music is not good enough? If so, what kind of music do they want to sing?

How about you? What kind of music do you like to sing?

Monday, October 15, 2007


He who would always come to me for my love and passion;
would always have a breathless heart;

He who would always be a captive of my soul;
would always ask for a moment!

He who would always smile at me;
would always reap the sweetness of my empathy;

He who would always linger at me;
would always be kept in my memory!


He who would always cherish me;
His heart is embedded with my love and loyalty!

The Sexy Blogger Award
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